20 Feet From The Pass.

During the late aughts, the classical dessert repertoire of vanilla crème brûlée and chocolate soufflé ended. Ambitious pastry chefs featured fennel, tarragon, microwave sponge cakes and explored molecular techniques that transported desserts into experimental territory. Where such culinary wanderings may have been tolerated in the savory kitchen, food critics did not hold sweet alchemy in... Continue Reading →

Yes, I’m A Lactose Intolerant Pastry Chef…

.... No, I Don’t Make Crappy Desserts (or vegan desserts, for that matter) “You’re lactose intolerant?!  How are your desserts any good if you can’t eat them?” My job interview ended abruptly, yet again. Discouraged and disheartened, I’ve kept my condition under wraps for years. But worn down by a parade of cheesy, creamy family meals... Continue Reading →

Pastry Trends 2016

Food trends are a funny phenomenon. While some trends seem spectacularly silly in retrospect (hello, bone broth and paleo diets!), other trends, like organic food, morph into staples of our culinary conversation and help us connect to the food world at large. Food trends can fundamentally change the way we eat. I couldn’t buy coconut... Continue Reading →

Pastry Obsession: Fermentation

Although fermented foods can be an acquired taste, they are much more common than people think.  Beer, cheese, wine (notably Champagne), and vinegar are all fermented foods. What we commonly think of as bread proofing is actually bread fermenting. Even cocoa, coffee, and vanilla beans are fermented to develop the unique flavors that we’ve come... Continue Reading →

Pastry Obsession: Cheese (Culture)

The Caribbean is not a cheese-centric culture so for much of my life, cheese existed in two forms: orange and white Cheddar. It wasn’t until I embarked upon my journey as a pastry chef (and by default, was in charge of the cheese program) that I began my cheese education in earnest. I already knew... Continue Reading →

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